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it-am-i: LOTR kids then and now. Part II (Part I) Secondary...



LOTR kids then and now. Part II (Part I)

Secondary Characters & Family business(In movie order):

Billy and Katie Jackson (Peter Jackson’s children 19&18 y.o. now): Hobbit children+Rohirrim refugees+children of Minas Tirith.

Billy hides VERY WELL, was hard to find pics! Thanks Sir Ian McKellen and AUJ London Premiere.

Katie has appeared in The Hobbit (AUJ as a hobbit in the EE+DoS barmaid at the Prancing Pony serving Thorin, so far. Has been spotted in Laketown clothes in a Vlog but still unconfirmed)

Sam Comery (now a musician): Éothain. Rohirrim refugee running from the orcs&wild men attack at the very beginning of TTT, you can spot them through the movie a couple of times more

Olivia Tennet (still an actress. 23 y.o. now): Freda, Rohirrim refugee running from the orcs&wild men attack at the very beginning of TTT, you can spot them through the movie a couple of times more. Éothain’s younger sister

Calum Gittins (Philippa Boyens’s son. Still an actor now. 28 y.o. now -14 while filming): Haleth in Helm, Aragorn talks with him

Henry Mortensen (Viggo Mortensen’s son. He is the one you have to thank for making Viggo take the role!!!. Another difficult one to find pics. Now a musician. 26 y.o. now - 12 while filming): Boy of Rohan in Helm, also orc killed by Gimli, and a Gondorian soldier at the Black Gate


Part 1 Main characters


Source 12345678


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