This really hit me close to home because my mom did the exact same thing to make sure I got into a school where I could experience something as small as going to a county fair or just studying around people and places I felt safe.
One day the school found out and kicked me out. My mom argued with the principal for an hour, but I ended up going to a very shitty school for a couple years. It sucked.
This sucks FAR more. It really makes no sense.
Read the story. Sign the petition to help if you like, HERE.
In case any of my readers haven’t already read this horrific story and signed the petition, please do so. I cannot believe this is happening.
Our system is becoming more and more UNJUST.
This whole school zone shit is just their way of keeping schools segregated.
My hometown is going through this right now. They rebuilt one of the elementary schools and intentionally built it smaller which is going to force them to rezone the area. The slick part about it is that the are the school is in is the part of town where the middle/upper class people live.
Guys, http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2011/09/gov_kasich_reduces_felony_conv.html and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/27/kelley-williams-bolar-schools_n_814857.html
God that’s awful. I’m glad she fought for her children. They’re lucky to have such a wonderful mom. The school systems absolutely suck.
Here’s another one where the school won’t let the parents take their daughter home: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/20/jim-howe-arrested-school-pick-up-tennessee_n_4310672.html