CHAOS meme! [finally!]I finally put together a CHAOS meme for you guys to do! I didn’t end up with 30 days, but I did get 20 days, so we’ll go for that. If you guys could tag your stuff with “30 days of CHAOS,” then I can track that tag and reblog and share your posts with anybody else that follows this blog.
Without further ado, here is the list:
1. Your favorite ODS member.
2. Your favorite non-ODS character.
3. Your favorite episode.
4. Your least favorite episode.
5. Your favorite scene with Rick Martinez.
6. Your favorite scene with Billy Collins.
7. Your favorite scene with Michael Dorset.
8. Your favorite scene with Casey Malick.
9. Your opinion on Rick and Adele’s relationship.
10. The funniest team moment for you.
11. Your favorite ship/pairing.
12. Your favorite crack!ship/pairing.
13. Your favorite one shot character.
14. Your favorite “international” location.
15. Your favorite backstory.
16. The character you identify with most.
17. Your least favorite character.
18. The character you most want to be friends with.
19. Your favorite quote.
20. Do you think the series should have continued, or did you like the way it ended?
I’ll be doing the meme at my personal blog (aubreyisvelma) and sharing that here, too. So go forth! Spread CHAOS!
oooh! I wanna do! Tho it’s probably take me way more than 20 days just to do it. I will try my best though!